Hikari e Ost cover by PONGSET BAND @Majisuka Festival 2016
Holla ONEPIECEZME ADDICT.....Especially the tattoo mania is also a fan of one piece manga, here's a collection of the best one piece tat... Readmore
Eiichiro Oda , born January 1, 1975 in Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture in Japan, is a Japanese mangaka, best known as the creator of the ... Readmore
Nami san beautiful cosplay,do you like it? source : FB One Piece Post&Cost Readmore
For you fans of this one piece ANIME , there is something very unique and interesting, which is a battery charger in the form of a character... Readmore
ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパンで行われたワンピースのウォーターバトル! ただ上着が濡れるなんてもんじゃない。全身ズブ濡れ、本気のウォーターバトルです。ルフィ、ゾロに加えて錦えもんが大暴れ!会場の歓喜と悲鳴をご堪能あれ!! One Piece's wate... Readmore